
Please read, copy and paste your symptoms according to the hormones and email at

Onset of Aldosterone Deficiency


Determining the Onset of Aldosterone Deficiency
Onset Childhood Adulthood
Physical Signs Children with aldosterone deficiency often have other deficiencies in cholesterol containing hormones (steroids) such as cortisol deficiencies, global steroid hormone deficiency manifesting with signs such as :
Thin face, trunk and limbs
A certain degree of physical sexual immaturity
Fuller face
Fuller body
Normal sexual development
Complaints Complaints of aldosterone deficiency during childhood: exaggerated thirst , need to quickly runt to the bathroom after drinking, dizziness, absent mindedness, distraction at school, low blood pressure No such complaints in childhood

Complaints of Aldosterone Deficiency



Complaints of Aldosterone Deficiency

Standing up or sitting Behavior Tendency to lie down
Tendency to move all the time when standing up to increase blood pressure
Concentration Drowsiness, zombie-like feeling
Easily distracted, absent-minded; daydreaming
Difficulty focusing on tasks
Feels better in head when lying flat on a bed or moving all the time
Vision Troubled vision with difficulties in focusing on objects and tasks when standing up
Hearing Reduced hearing, age-related hearing loss
Food Salt and salty food cravings
Thirsty often. Strong tendency to drink a lot of water and other liquids
Urine Polyuria especially during the day

Physical signs of Aldosterone Deficiency



Physical Signs of Aldosterone Deficiency

Low blood pressure ( arterial hypotension) Face Pale face
Expression A drowsy, absent- minded look
Blood Pressure Low blood pressure ( arterial Hypotension):
Below 110/60 mm Hg
Orthostatic hypotension: check for it by taking the blood pressure while lying down and immediately after standing up. A difference  of more than 10mm/Hg is labeled as orthostatic hypotension
Dehydration Face Hollow face
Sharp wrinkles
Eyes Eyes deep in orbit
Soft eyes (eye ball feels soft to pressure because of low eyeball pressure)
Tongue Tongue with teeth marks visible at tongue borders ( tongue indentations)
Skin Skin ‘tenting’ – prolonged stiff skin fold after pinching the skin of the back of the hand