
Please read, copy and paste your symptoms according to the hormones and email at

Onset of Vasopressin Deficiency


Determining the Onset of Vasopressin Deficiency
Onset Childhood Adulthood
Physical Sings Often more severe signs of dehydration such as:

Deeply sunken eyes

Dry tongue

Less severe signs of dehydration, except when the vasopressin deficiency is acquired by surgery or other physical trauma in the hypothalamus or pituitary gland.
Complaints Exaggerated thirst

Urgent need to quickly run to the bathroom after drinking

Disturbed sleep because of the recurrent need to go to the bathroom to urinate during the night (nocturia)

Bedwetting (enuresis)

Difficult learning at school

No such complaints in Childhood

Complaints of Vasopressin Deficiency


Complaints of Vasopressin Deficiency
Mental   When
Concentration Easily Distracted
Difficulty in memorizing and learning
Highest frequency in stressful situation
Behavior Difficulties to learn and adapt to new situations
Behavior Tendency to drink a lot during the day and through the night Tendency to go to the bathroom quickly Highest frequency in stressful situations and flat position
Thirst Thirsty all the time
Strong tendency to drink important quantities of water and other liquids
Urine Polyuria during the day (>5x during daytime)
Nocturia at night (>2x/night)

Physical signs of Vasopressin Deficiency


Cause Physical signs of Vasopressin Deficiency
Dehydration Face Sharp wrinkles
Eyes Sunken eyes, deep in orbit
Crow feet wrinkles at the corner of the eyes
Soft eyes (eyeball feels soft to pressure because of low eyeball pressure)
Tongue Tongue with teeth marks visible at tongue borders (tongue indentations)
Skin Tiny skin folds (caused by dehydration), more apparent when the skin is extended by pressure with a finger tip
Prolonged stiff skin told after pinching the skin of the back of the hand (skin tenting)