
Please read, copy and paste your symptoms according to the hormones and email at

Onset of Cortisol Deficiency


Determining the Onset of (Untreated) Cortisol Deficiency
Onset Childhood Adult
Severity Greater severity More moderate
Face Thinner, narrower face Larger face, may have become more hollow
Body Thinner, narrower body Thin body, if the lack of appetite and/or intestinal inflammation predominates
Possibly obese, if sweet cravings predominate:
Health in childhood Ear, nose and throat infections, viral infections
Allergies incl, skin rashes, food-rel, asthma
Gastrointestinal troubles (liver, colitis)
Excessive emotions: anger/irritability outbursts
Anorexia, difficult to make him/her eat, except sweets; sweet cravings
No Such medical problems in childhood

Physical Complaints of Cortisol Deficiency


Physical Complaints of Cortisol Deficiency
Physical appearance Excessive thinness
Tends to be underweight difficulty gaining weight
Sometimes obesity because of bulimia due to sweet and salty food cravings
Energy/ Vitality Fatigue, low energy, especially during stressful conditions
Burned out syndrome, sometimes transient, but great difficulties to function after emotional discharge
In upright position: drowsiness, empty-headedness, distraction, absentmindedness day-dreaming, vertigo 
Hair Acute hair loss
Alopecia areata
( hair loss in plaques)
Sleep Longer sleep
Head Headaches at stress Temperature Slight fever from time to time 
Skin Inflamed skin lesions: skin rashes ( nettle rash, eczema, psoriasis) 
Vitiligo ( Depigmented skin areas)
Cheloids ( thick scars)
Irregular brown spots 
Suntans easily 
Food Intense hunger attcks
Sweet, sugar cravings 
Nausea, anorexia, esp. for meat 
Salty food craving 
Muscles and tendons Myalgia (localized musle pains)
Tendonitis ( Recurrent tendon inflammation), especially as positive tender points)
Digestive Gastroenteritis, colitis with abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea 
Nausea, vomiting 
Joints Arthritis ( localized pain, deformities of joints) Nerves Excessive sensitivity to pain 
Inflammations Predisposition to all kinds of inflammatory diseases, e.g:
Acute allergies: ENT ( Ear-Nose-Throat) allergies, conjunctivitis, otitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis, asthma, food allergies
Choronic inflammatory diseases: rheumatoid arthritis, connective tissue diseases( e.g lupus)
Medications Intolerance to mediciations 
Infections Prone to infections:
Viral: mononucleosis infection, flue, etc.
Bacterial: rhinitis, otitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia

Physical Signs of Cortisol Deficiency


Physical Signs of Cortisol Deficiency Table
Physical appearance Thin body 
(obese if sugar cravings) 
Hair Acute hair loss ( the hair that fell out usually has elongated hair roots)
Rarely: alopecia areata
Face Yellow-brownish face
Hollow cheeks
Brown ( hyper pigmented) spots on face 
Painful sinus points
Eyes and eyelids Tired look 
Conjunctivitis ( with inflamed eye globe )
Dark circles under the eyes
Nose Rhinitis  ( Colds)
Ears Erythematous (red) inflamed tympanic membrane 
Inflammation (otitis)
Pharynx Pharyngitis ( inflamed red throat)
Tonsillitis (Swollen, erythematous tonsils)
Neck Tender, swollen lymphatic nodes
Abdomen Bloated abdomen
Pain upon abdominal palpation
Armpit Brownish armpit fold 
Heavy seating in armpits 
Elbow Brown elbow fold 
Hands Wet palms
Palms: brown skin folds
Feet Wet soles
Temperature Episodes of above normal temperatures >99.6 F or > 36.6 C ( In women not taking the pill: during the first- follicular – phase of the menstrual cycle)