Please read, copy and paste your symptoms according to the hormones and email at


Onset of IGF- 1 Deficiency


Determining the Onset of IGF- 1 Deficiency
IGF- 1 Deficiency IGF- 1/ Growth hormone deficiency
ONSET Prenatal Childhood Adulthood
General Greatest physical impact:
Small dwarf,
Underdeveloped features
Emotional impact of intermediate degree
Major Physical impact (dwarf)
Less severe emotional impact
Physical impact is less severe:
Premature aging
Major emotional impact
Height Very small dwarf
Very short stature
Short stature
Normal height
Bowed Back+++
Face Very small face
Underdeveloped nose, jaws, chin, ears
Small Face
Normal –sized
Atrophy chin, nose, Jaws, ears,
Hands, feet Very small hands and feet Small hands and feet Atrophying hands and feet
Muscles, Bones Thinner and smaller than in childhood deficiency Thin and small muscles- bones Atrophied muscles-bones
Sex Organs Sexual immaturity
Very small genitals: micro-phallus, micro-clitoris
Sexual immaturity
Small genitals: Micro-phallus, micro-clitoris
Sexual maturity
Normal sized genitals, but atrophying
Quality of life Considerably impaired Moderately impaired Severely impaired

Complaints of IGF- 1 Deficiency


Complaints suggestive of IGF- 1 Deficiency



Life Poor quality of life, feels unwell Health General poor health
Mood Lack of inner peace
Chronic anxiety without clear reason
Tendency to be depressed
Physical appearance Degradation of physical appearance
Thinner, loose skin
Muscle atrophy, become droopy and weaker
Self-esteem Low Self-esteem
Lack of Self-confidence
Feet Sore feet after long walks ( caused by collapsed foot arches)
Efficacy Great difficulty in performing multiple tasks
Feeling powerless
Lack of concentration
Energy/ Vitality Exhaustion with poor or no recovery
Difficulty in recovering when not having not slept enough
Feeling of rapidly aging, feeling of profound physical degradation
Social behavior Lack of self-control
Excessive emotional reactions, sharp verbal retorts
Dramatizing, outbursts of panic and anxiety
Tendency to social isolation
Impaired social status: lower professional position, lower income
Poor social integration, often without partner, still living with parents
Temperature Cold intolerance
Sex  (Men) Erectile dysfunction: lack of volume and persistence of erections
Stress Poor stress tolerance, may collapse in minor stress situations Sleep Light sleep
Excessive need for sleep 9 hours or more
Diet Ambivalent appetite for sweets and sugar (in some it is excessive, in others low) Food Poor appetite fro meat ( because of the low anabolic state that lowers the appetite for protein)

Physical Signs of IGF- 1 Deficiency


Physical Signs suggestive of IGF- 1 Deficiency
Hair Sparse, thin hair Body Childhood-onset IGF- 1 deficit:
Small, sexually immature body
Adulthood-onset IGF- 1 deficit:
Prematurely aged appearance
Normal-sized, sexually regressing appearance body
Both types of IGF- 1 deficit:
Obesity (more in adult type)
Face Prenatal/early childhood IGF- deficit:
Small chin, jaws, nose,
Adulthood-onset Signs of IGF- 1 deficiency
Thinner eyebrows
Droopy eyelids
Thin nose with the tip pointing downward
Thin lips
Thin jaw bones
Sagging cheeks
Trunk Superficial breathing: small difference between maximal expiratory and inspiratory circumference of the chest
Neck Loose skin folds under the chin Abdomen A fat, droopy abdomen
Stretch marks on the abdomen
Shoulders Small or smaller shoulders
Thin muscles
Back Kyhphosis ( hunchback)
Hyperiordosis (excess lumbar curve)
Increased subscapular skin fold
Sagging back muscles
Arms Poorly developed/ droopy triceps Thighs Sagging inner thihs
Fatty “cushions” (fat deposits) above the knees
Hands Prenatal/early childhood IGF-deficit:
Small hands
Short, thin fingers
Adulthood-onset  IGF- 1 deficit:
Normal- sized hands, but with thinner muscles
Thinner fingers (atrophic metacarpal bones)
Prolonged skin folds after pinching the skin at the back of the hand
Nails with longitudinal lines
Atrophied palm ( low muscle tone)
Feet Prenatal/early childhood IGF-  deficit:
Small feet with short, thin toes
Flat feet
Adulthood-onset IGF- 1 deficit:
Reduced foot arch
Muscular atrophy of foot sole