Please read, copy and paste your symptoms according to the hormones and email at

Determining the Onset of MSH deficiency


Determining the Onset of MSH deficiency
Onset Since Childhood Since Adulthood
Skin Color White Skin Darker skin, But became paler
Sun Tanning Great difficulty of inability to brown in the sun
Easily sunburns
Needs high protection sun lotions (>SPF30)
Gradually decreasing ability to tan in the sun, was previously normal Increased tendency to sunburn
Needs for moderately protective sunscreens
Hair Often red or blond hair  
Body Possibly overweight of obese since childhood because of excessive appetite Darker hair, brown-black, but graying
Inflammation History of inflammatory diseases in childhood: conjunctivitis, eczema, allergies, celiac disease, etc. No or recent history of inflammatory diseases
Sexual Normal to low and stable developed sexuality Normal sexuality, which is progressively declining in its intensity and potency
Past History Recurrent infections as a child
Learning disabilities
Normal health and school performance as a child

Complaints of MSH deficiency


Complaints of MSH deficiency

MENTAL Complaints PHYSICAL Complaints
Behavior Possible lower resistance to stress Health Possible proneness to infections and inflammations
Learning Poor memory
Poor school performance
Body Prone to weight gain due to excessive appetite
Over weight of obese
Sex (Men & Women) Low(er) sexual arousal, drive
Low(er) frequency and intensity of erotic Fantasies
Energy Vitality Lack of freshness, lack of the fresh feeling of being in the spring of on sunny holiday
Feeling overworked
Food Excessive appetite for food ( ascertain degree of bulimia with tendency toward being overweight)
Sex ( Women) Low(er) skin sensitivity to sexual caress
Less sexual arousal
Less vaginal lubrification\Difficulties in vaginal opening for penis insertion
Low(er) orgasmic opacity
Hair Flat hair, lacking volume
Absent or decrease in curling hair
Paler hair:
Early Graying or whitening hair
Blond or red hair
Skin White ( Caucasian) skin
Difficulty or inability to tan in the sun
Easily sunburned
Needs sun lotion the offer a high protection(> SPF15)
Nails Brittle nails, lacking strength
Sex ( Men) Erectile dysfunction: lower frequency, and especially duration and strength of erections, less ejaculate volume
Low(er) capacities for sexual intercourse
Permanent silent doubts about sexual capacities and performance
Digestive Gastro-enteritis, colitis, celiac disease
Joints Muscles Possible muscle loosening ( MSH deficiency provides lower levels of GH, the hormone of muscle firmness),
Possible joint pains (arthralgia), especially under stressful Conditions

Physical Sings of MSH deficiency


Physical Signs of MSH Deficiency

Face While or pale face Skin White skin
Possibly sun-burned skin
Hair Flate hair, lacking volume
Absent or decrease in curling hair
Paler hair:

  • Early graying or whitening hair
  • Blond

Red hair

Nails Brittle, Weak nails
Behavior Stressed, nervous
Mental Memory loss
 Learning difficulties
Blood Pressure High diastolic blood pressure
Tendency to high blood pressure with salt intake
Body Overweight