
Please read, copy and paste your symptoms according to the hormones and email at


Onset of Oxytocin Deficiency


How to Determine the onset of Oxytocin Deficiency

Onset Childhood-Onset Adulthood-Onset
Social Contacts Never good at social involvement/interactions Greater social involvement, but less than before
Games, sports, job Rarely married, and if married, is considered as ‘cold’ by the partner Teamwork possible, but less easy than before
Marital Status No or poor circle of friends
Never had real close friends
Friends are distant friends
Is married, but marriage has become less happy
Often divorced
Circle of friends Introvert since childhood
Always cold
Larger circle of friends, but decreasing
Retains mainly old friends
Character Cold, smile les face
Pale, never flushing face
Warm hearted before, now has become more introverted and colder
Face   Smile less, unhappy face
Pale, rarely flusing face
Sex drive Poorly developed Developed sex drive but declining
Sexual potency (men) Poorly developed
Sex is physical pleasure, not a romantic experience
More Developed sexual potency, but declining
Sex feels less fantastic than before
Orgasm(Women) Never or almost never achieved orgasm Had easy orgasms, but the ability has clearly declined later on
Orgasm (Men) Since end of puberty: poor or absence of ejaculation Decreased ability to ejaculate or loss of ejaculation
Glans penis Dry glans penis with sex Drier glans penis with Sex
History Has never been very warmhearted and sociable Was warmhearted and sociable before, but later became colder

Complaints of Oxytocin Deficiency


Physical complaints of Oxytocin Deficiency
Physical Appearance Paleness
No or poorly emotional manifestations
Pain Easier pain perception
Excess pain sensitivity
Face Absent, rare or forced smile
Pale face, unable to flush
Sex (Men) Lower sex drive and arousal
Few or no ejaculations
Low ejaculation volume, sperm count (due to absent or poor prostate capsule contractions)
Sex feels as though physical/mechanical and not as an intense romantic love experience
Muscles and tendons Fibromyalgia: muscle pains and ‘Tender ( tendon) points’
Tensed muscles
Sleep Disturbed sleep
End-term pregnancy Absence of uterine Contractions to start delivering the baby
Sex (women) Absence or rareness of orgasm
Needs> 20 minutes to achieve orgasm
Low or lower orgasmic intensity
Absence of multiple orgasms
Breast feeling Inability to breast feed( poor milk ejection despite breasts full of milk

Mental complaints of Oxytocin Deficiency in Men

Behavior Irritability
Stress Excessive sensitivity to difficulties
Unnecessary, futile worry
Excessive anxiety, fear
Mood Irritable when someone interrupts him or her
Low mood, no intense joy, life is flet as ‘not funny’
Social Easily feels disturb ed by others
Lack of interest in others
Greater need for solitude
Few Social contacts, withdrawn
No close friends, not even the partner
No or poor circle of acquaintances
Character Introvert
Intellectual, no emotional
Excessively (emotionally) detached from others
Not warm-heartedz
Suspicious, untrusting
Paranoid trend
JOb Tendency for solitary work
No or poor teamwork
Married Unmarried or divorced

Physical Signs of Oxytocin Deficiency


Physical Signs of Oxytocin Deficiency

Physical appearance Pale face and body Joyless
No or poorly emotional face
Expressionless body
Intellectual, rational type
Behavior Irritability
Unemotional attitude
Unkind, unpleasant
Unattractive personality
Face Absence or rareness of a smile
Pale cheeks that don’t flush
Mood Unhappy attitude
Muscles Tensed
Muscles, tendons Painful tender ( tendon) points (fibromyalgia)
Eyes Dry Eyes (Conjunctiva sicca)
Skin Pale skin
Tiny, little skin folds (due to dehydration) spread over the face and other areas