
Please read, copy and paste your symptoms according to the hormones and email at

Onset of Pregnenolone Deficiency


Determining the Onset of Pregnenolone Deficiency
Onset Started in Childhood Started in Adulthood
Height Short Normal Height
Body Thin, Small build Medium build
Sexual Impaired sexual development Sexually mature body
(normal but faster aging sexual characteristics)

Complaints of Pregnenolone Deficiency


Complaints directly suggestive of Pregnenolone Deficiency
  Mental   Physical
Memory Poor Memory Energy Moderate fatigue
Vision Reduced color vision Skin Dry skin
(Poor sebum production)
Senses Reduced artistic awareness Joints & Muscles Moderate joint pains
Moderate Muscle pains
Reduced mobility




COMPLAINTS due to Deficiencies in Hormones that derive from Pregnenolone

Deficiency Type Mental Complaints Physical Complaints
Male Hormone deficiency Attitude/Body Lack of mental firmness and aggressiveness Deficient muscle, bone mass
Poor muscle strength
Sexual Low libido Below average sexual potency ( erectile dysfunction, deficient ejaculation volume)
Female hormone deficiency Psychic Low mood Chronic fatigue
Sexual Low libido Vaginal dryness
Gluco-corticoid deficiency Hypo_Glycemia Unclear thinking Sugar cravings
Hypoglycemia attacks( with nervousness, hunger,…)
Excess adrenaline Anger and anxiety peaks
Low stress resistance
Sweating hands and armpits during stress
Mineral corticoid deficiency Low blood pressure Drowsiness, feeling faint
Orthostatic hypotension
Poor salt and water retention   Polyuria ( excessive urination)
Polyuria (excessive thirst and drinking)
Salty food cravings

Physical Signs of Pregnenolone Deficiency


Physical signs possibly due to Pregnenolone deficiency
Skin Dry skin
Joints Reduced mobility
Pain with mobilization




Physical Signs due to Deficiencies In Hormones derived from Pregnenolone

Androgen Deficiency ( Men and women) Below average masculine traits Pale skin
Below average pubic and armpit hair
Below average musculature
Below average bone mas
Below average testicle size
Gynecomastia ( breast development in men)
Female hormone deficiency ( women) Deficient feminine traits Pale skin
Small or droopy breasts
Small wrinkles around the eyes and mouth
Glucocorticoid deficiency Inflammatory diseases Visual or palpable signs of inflammation including but no limited to:
Eczema and rashes
Arthritis with eventual joint deformations
Gastreoenteritis and colitis
Mineral Corticoid deficiency Dehydration signs Sharp wrinkles
Indented tongue
Soft eye ball ( with pressure )
Orthostatic hypotension ( low BP if standing)