Testosterone in Men

Please read, copy and paste your symptoms according to the hormones and email at


Onset of Testosterone Deficiency in Men


How to Determine the onset of Testosterone Deficiency in Men

Onset Puberty-onset Adult-onset
Signs of virilization Prepubescent man:
Few signs of virilization
Aging man: Fully developed, but regressing sings of virilization
Hair              No hair recession
No male pattern baldness
Hair recession at forehead and sides
Some degree of male pattern baldness*
Face Young looking, boyish face Aging male face
Beard Absent or sparse beard Fully developed beard
Voice High tone, immature, boyish Voice ( no Voice maturation) Deep, adult male voice ( voice maturation at puberty)
Body Feminine, eunuch-type body More masculine body but regressing
Muscles Poorly developed muscles Developed, but atrophying muscles
Skin Nearly absent sebum and sexual body scent Reduce sebum production
Some sexual body scent
Body hair Poorly developed or absent body hair Clearly developed body hair, bud diffuse regression
Pubic hair Horizontal pubic hair lien Pubic hair up to the navel
Genitals Sexual infantilism:
Underdeveloped genitals
Sexual maturity:
Fully developed genitals
Penis Small penis Average adult-sized penis
Testicles Small or undescended testes Average adult-sized testicles
Prostate Underdeveloped prostate Normal to prostatic hypertrophy
Sex Drive Poor or not developed Developed sex drive but declining
Sex potency Poor or not developed Developed but potency problems
History Has never been very masculine Was masculine in the past

Physical complaints of Testosterone Deficiency in Men


Physical complaints of Testosterone Deficiency in Men

Physical appearance Aging appearance
Abdominal obesity
Health Hypochondria (complains frequently of being sick)
Head Headache Energy/Vitality Persistent fatigue that increases with physical activity
Fatigability and lassitude
Ear Ear buzzing (tinnitus) Sports, Exercise Lack of interest in sports
Lack of endurance when exercising
Face Aging face
Small wrinkles
Sleep Disturbed sleep
Heart Tachycardia, palpitations
Quickly out of breath with physical activity
Temperature Hot flushes
Sweating spells (mostly head and upper chest)
Muscles Decreased muscle mass and strength Prostate Prostatism: dysuria, mictalgia, nocturia (Prostate hypertrophy)
Prostate infections
Muscle pains ( probably due to muscle and nerve ischemia)
Joints Joints pains
Skin Easily sunburned Sex Decrease or absence of :
Sex drive
Erections: reductions in volume, frequency, firmness & persistence
Ejaculations volume
Nerves Numbness and tingling
Digestive Slow bowl movements
( low smooth muscle funct.)

Mental complaints of Testosterone Deficiency in Men

Behavior Nervous, irritable
III at ease
Attention Poor concentration
Character Lack of mental firmness
Indecisive, hesitating
Loss of self confidence
Lack of authority
Memory Poor memory
Stress Excessive emotions
Excessive sensitivity to difficulties
Unnecessary, futile worry
Excessive anxiety, fear
Mood Depression the whole day long ( may include crying, suicidal tendencies) Interest Loss of initiative
Loss of interest in life
Social Few social contacts, withdrawn

Physical Signs of Testosterone Deficiency in Men


Physical Signs of Testosterone Deficiency in Men ( Male Hypogonadism)

Physical appearance Pale
Slumped, fragile
(adulthood-onset deficiency); or
Younger-looking (uncorrected early puberty-onset deficiency)
Behavior Nervous
Metal Poor concentration
Memory Poor memory
Mood Depressed attitude
Back Kyphosis, lordosis Voice Higher, anxious tone
Fat Often overweight, even obese
Fat accumulation on the breasts, abdomen and lips


Messy clothing (due to the depressive tendency and lock of the desire to be sexually attractive)
Scalp hair Male pattern baldness
(androgenic alopecia)
Face Pale
Lacks muscle tone
Small wrinkles at the corner of eyes
Small vertical wrinkles above lips
Poorly or undeveloped beard and moustache (puberty-onset defic.)
Height May have been originally taller (prepuber onset def.)
Becoming shorter
(adult onset deficiency)
Skin Pale skin
Dry, thin (atrophic) skin
Eyes Dry eyes (conjunctiva sicca) Heart Week heartbeat
Underarms Pubis Decreased axillary hair
Decreased pubic hair
Blood vessels Bruises easily
Chest Gynecomastia Prostate Prostate hypertrophy or atrophy
Abdomen Flabby belly
Increased abdominal fat
Body hair Lack of loss of (sexual) body hair Penis Pale, dry glans penis
Loose prepuce
Small, flaccid, atrophied,
Peyronie’s disease
Body scent Lack or loss of body scent (pheromones)
Anus Hemorrhoids
Things Cellulite Testicles Hypotonic, lax testicles
Testicles are reduced in size (normal: 46 x 26 mm)
Legs Hair loss on legs, esp. external sides
Varicose veins